Wood Collections (WOODPEDIA), Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China

This wood collections was founded in 1928, it includes about 36,000 wood specimens of about 9,638 species in 1,954 genera and 260 families. It also includes about 36,000 wood microscopic slides from about 1,500 species in 570 genus and 136 families. The herbarium includes about 6,000 specimens. Here is the website of the wood collection (in Chinese) http://bbg.criwi.org.cn/.

Xylarium of Kerala Agricultural University, India

This xylarium is housed in the department of Wood Science, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur, India. Timber discs and other wood specimens belonging to about 145 species. Here is a brief introduction of the xylarium http://forestry.kau.in/facility-or-activity/xylarium.

Xylarium Bogoriense, Indonesia

Xylarium Bogoriense was established by Dutch colonial since 1914, it has 34,301 wood specimens, which belongs to 110 families, 675 genus and 3,667 species. Here is a brief introduction of the xylarium http://en.republika.co.id/berita/en/national-politics/15/08/31/ntxor2317-third-largest-wood-library-exists-in-indonesia.

Xylarium of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (TWTw), Japan.

This xylarium includes 29,000 wood specimens of 8,500 species in 270 families collected throughout Japan. Here is the database of the xylarium http://f030091.ffpri.affrc.go.jp/JWDB-E/home.php, which includes digital images of the specimens. Microscopic identification of Japanese woods is available by http://f030091.ffpri.affrc.go.jp/IDBK-E/home.php.

Xylarium of Kyoto University, Japan

The Xylarium was founded in 1980, it contains about 15,015 samples, belonging to 3,617 species, 1,131 genera, and 172 families. There also are 9,563 microscope slides of the specimens. Here is the website http://www.rish.kyoto-u.ac.jp/English/Xylarium/ .
Note: Please refer to Index Xylariorum 4.1 for more information.