Irving Widmore Bailey (1884—1967) was one of the greatest wood anatomists of all time. His publications on xylem evolution, cambium and wood formation, cell wall ultrastructure, fossil woods, tree pathology, vestured pits, wood identification, and wood properties remain seminal to this day. His broad insights into the biological and practical significance of pattern and process in plant structure are still inspirational. IAWA honours his memory by naming the award for early career researchers who publish their work in the IAWA Journal after him.
From 2014 onwards, the I.W. Bailey Award is presented annually for the best original or review paper submitted to the IAWA Journal by a undergraduate, graduate student, or postdoc up to five years after their PhD defense since the submission of her/his manuscript. All subject matters published in the IAWA Journal are eligible: wood, bark, palm, bamboo, and rattan anatomy and ultrastructure, preferably linked to other fields such as, for instance, plant physiology, ecology, tree biology, pathology and decay, plant systematics and phylogeny, palaeobotany, climatology, archaeobotany, wood properties, biomechanics and wood culture. The Award consists of a certificate and 1000 Euro, sponsored by Brill Publishers.
I.W. Bailey Award 2014 goes to Alexander Scholz, for his paper “How drought and deciduousness shape xylem plasticity in three Costa Rican wood plant species“. I.W. Bailey Award 2016 goes to Carla Jane Harper and Shan Li, with Carla Jane Harper for her manuscript with co-authors on “Fungal decay in Permian glossopteridalean stem and root wood from Antarctica”, and Shan Li for her paper with co-authors on “Intervessel Pit membrane thickness as a key determinant of embolism resistance in angiosperm xylem”. I.W. Bailey award holder 2018 goes to Hiromi Shibui for her paper with co-authors on “Structure and formation of phellem of Betula maximowicziana”. I.W. Bailey Award 2019 goes to Angela Balzanofor her paper with co-authors on “Wood-trait analysis to understand climatic factors triggering intra-annual density-fluctuations in co-ocurring Mediterranean trees.
Candidates may nominate their own submissions directly to the editors Lloyd Donaldson (lloyd.donaldson@scionresearch.com) and Marcelo Pace (marcelo.pace@ib.unam.mx), together with a one-page CV, and one supporting statement from a senior IAWA Member before September 1st of the current year. The Award Committee will be formed by the Editors and Associate Editors of the IAWA Journal (please visit http://www.editorialmanager.com/iawa/ for instructions to authors).