The International Academy of Wood Science (IAWS) wishes to provide recognition to outstanding dissertation research at the PhD level by students throughout the world.
Field Identification Manual for Ghanaian Timbers, edited by Rafael Arévalo, Emmanuel Ebanyenle, Alberta Asi Ebeheakey, Kofi Abban Bonsu, Ophilious Lambog, Richard Soares
The US Forest Service Wood Identification & Screening Center (WISC) at Oregon State University invites applications for postdoctoral fellowships in stable isotope
The Summer School Wood and charcoals in Mediterranean Forest ecology: anatomical identification and functional traits to interpret past and current climate changes will be held on June 21-25, 2021, in a hybrid in-presence/on-line formula.
A new postdoc position on wood anatomy in Bob Muscarella’s lab is open for application, and the project is on wood anatomy of tropical angiosperm trees in Puerto Rico.
The seventh annual meeting of IAWA-China Group was held at Lin-an city, Hangzhou, China on November 28-29, 2020, organized by the Zhejiang Agricultural and Forestry University
The special edition of IAWA Journal 2020: 41(4) on Wood Identification “Advancing Wood Identification - Anatomical and Molecular Techniques”, edited by Yafang Yin, Alex Wiedenhoeft and Lloyd Donaldson was publishedon November 12, 2020.
We have a number of Council members who are reaching their term by the end of 2020 and whose vacancy will have to be filled according to the IAWA Constitution (amended version, 2007).
The joint recipients of the 2020 IW Bailey award are Dr Joyce Chery (Cornell University, USA) and PhD Candidate Israel Lopes da Cunha Neto (University of São Paulo, Brazil) awarded for their paper entitled
We are very pleased to announce Q-NET, a new community-based network on quantitative wood anatomy, and the first virtual Q-NET workshop on November 30th.
A new established Research Group (RG) of IUFRO,5.16.00-Wood Identification,has been approved by the IUFRO Board in September, 2020. Prof. Yafang Yin, from the Chinese Academy of Forestry
The results of the currently published IAWA paper The European charcoal trade (Haag et al. 2020, DOI 10.1163/22941932-bja10017) have attracted considerable media interest. Nature (news) and, etc.
You are invited to participate in the survey of Pterocarpus erinaceus (African rosewood). Please kindly fill out a google form on ECOWAS-PARI collaborative research for data collection on Pterocarpus erinaceus (African rosewood).
The global pandemic has kept most of us out of our labs and away from the institutions where we work. In such times, online resources can help us to continue our work.
-- Research Institute of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry
No. 1 Dongxiaofu, Haidian District, Beijing 100091
P. R. China
Email: (Dr. Lichao Jiao, Executive Secretary Office)
Email: (Dr. Shan Li, IAWA Website)
-- Naturalis Biodiversity Center
P. O. Box 9517, 2300 RA, Leiden
The Netherlands
Email: (Cees Lut, Treasurer)
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