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New Interactive Identification Key for Brazilian Commercial Timbers: A tool against illegal deforesta
Brazil has the most considerable diversity of timber-producing species in the world. It has more than eight thousand tree species in forests. The country is one of the essential timber growers worldwide and contributes to the development
Carlquist Special Issue to be Published in 2023
This is a call for proposals for papers for a special issue of the IAWA Journal commemorating the career of Sherwin Carlquist (1930-2021).
IAWA Financial Audit 2021
On 6 April the IAWA Audit Committee composed of René Klaassen and Leen van den Oever scrutinised the financial records over the fiscal year 2021 of the IAWA accounts in Leiden, Madison
IW Bailey Award 2021
The recipient of the 2021 IW Bailey award is Shohei Yamagishi, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University awarded for his paper entitled: Artifactual lipid coatings on intervessel pit membranes in dried xylem tissues of some
In Memoriam Emma E. van Nieuwkoop
Emma van Nieuwkoop (for friends Emmy) passed away at her home in Oegstgeest on 12 January 2022 at the age of 88. Emma's role in the IAWA started in 1977 when the IAWA Office had moved from Syracuse
The updated web page of the 2022 WWD Online Symposium
The updated web page of the 2022 WWD online symposium with the logo and website link of IAWA is now available by clicking
Dr. Sherwin Carlquist in Memoriam
The IAWA morns the recent loss of Dr. Sherwin Carlquist, age 91, one of the largest exponents in Plant Anatomy and arguably the greatest wood anatomist of our times.
The 8th IAWA-China Group Annual Meeting and 2021 International Youth Forum for Wood Anatomy, Nov. 13-
Organized by Sichuan Agricultural University and Inspection and Test Center (Chengdu) of National Furniture Product Quality, co-sponsored by IAWA, IUFRO and IAWS together.
Personnel of Ghana’s Forestry Commission Trained in Wood Identification
During the months of September and October 2021, a total of 94 personnel of the Grading and Inspection Department (GID) of the Timber Industry Development Division (TIDD) of Forestry Commission (FC) were trained successfully
IUFRO WORLD DAY - Digital Forest Science Forum 2021 : Wood Identification
IUFRO WORLD DAY-5.16.00 Session: Advancing Wood Identification to Promote A Sustainable Supply Chain of Forest Products.
Development of Integrated Xylarium Bogoriense Database
Previously, the Xylarium Bogoriense database was fragmented into several databases such as the National Timber Collection; Overseas Wood Collection; Wood Specimen Location/Address
Reconstruction of the PayPal Service of the IAWA Website
The old IAWA website for transferring money via PayPal (credit card) will soon be restructured. The website address will remain the same, but will have a completely different look. Ingrid de Kort and Cees Lut
New Biodiversity Pavilion at Mexico’s National Autonomous University
Call for contributions of stunning photos of growth rings and their diversity for a dendrochronology exhibition!
IAWA officially became an IUBS Affiliate Member
On July 27th, 2021, IAWA was formally notified of its Affiliate Membership of IUBS. The benefits for IAWA include enhancing the visibility of IAWA activities in the international field of biological science.
New Journal on Wood Culture
One of these days the World Wood Day Foundation and International Wood Culture Society are launching the International Journal of Wood Culture ( IJWC) to be published on-line in Open Access and in hard copy by Brill.
Audit Report of IAWA Finances 2019 and 2020
On 19 May 2021, the IAWA Audit Committee composed of Renee Klaassen and Leen van den Oever, scrutinised the financial accounts of 2019 and 2020.
The 2nd Q-NET workshop webinar, May 19th, 2021
The second virtual Q-NET workshop took place on May 19th, 2021, and was titled “A journey through QWA with stopovers”, where QWA means quantitative wood anatomy.
The 2020 impact factor of IAWA Journal is released
On June 30, 2021, Clarivate released the impact factors of scientific journals for 2020.
IUFRO Annual Report 2020 highlights its collaboration with IAWA
The IUFRO Annual Report 2020 has been released on May 18th, 2021. The active collaboration of IAWA with IUFRO
Japanese version of IAWA List of Microscopic Bark Features was published
Japanese version of IAWA List of Microscopic Bark Features (Angyalossi et al. 2016), translated by Yuzou Sano, Arata Yoshinaga and Satoshi Nakaba, was published by Kaiseisha Press on March 5, 2021.