In the period 19. Aug - 23. Aug. 2024, a seminar was held at the Thüenen Institute of Wood Research as part of the "2nd International Seminar on Anatomical Plant Identification (ISAPI, Hamburg 2024)" with 25 participants from 11 countries in Africa, Europe, and North America. The seminar focused on "Wood Species Identification" and was organized by the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI). The course provided hands-on training in macroscopic and microscopic wood identification practices. In the course of the five-day seminar, the following contents were considered:
- Fundamentals of wood anatomy and wood speciation as well as explanation of technical terms in the context of wood analytical examinations.
- Practical analysis with solid wood and microscopic sections.
- Training in the use of databases and programs for computer-aided wood identification (CITESwoodID_2023; macroHolzdata_2023; Commercial timbers_2022).
In addition, courses were held featuring special fields applied to wood identification such as pulp and paper analysis and 3D microscopy.
" It was a wonderful training. I feel much more confident in my abilities to spot certain features that I was previously struggling with." Kierra Cano (Chemist), Wood Identification & Screening Center USDA Forest
"The workshop was an amazing opportunity to gain practical knowledge and skills in wood anatomy and timber identification, network, and share experiences with experts from very different backgrounds. I look forward to sharing what I have learnt with others and feel confident that this experience will significantly contribute to enhancing accurate timber identification efforts in Tanzania." - Sami Madundo, Assistant Lecturer, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania.
The workshop provided basic and advanced knowledge on the identification of plants and also offered an excellent opportunity for networking between experts from Africa, Europe and North America. The APST (Animal, Plant and Soil Traces) Working Group of the ENFSI (European Network of Forensic Science Institutes) would like to thank in particular the entire team of the Thüenen Institute for the excellent planning, the hospitality and implementation of the great workshop. - Andreas Hellmann, on behalf of the ENFSI APST Steering Committee
This was an extraordinary workshop, which gave an excellent training in wood identification. Highly interesting and motivating! I am looking forward for the practical application in forensic casework. Thanks a lot to Volker and it`s colleagues.” – Dr. Björn Buggle, State Criminal Police Office Lower Saxony, Forensic Science Institute, Hannover, Germany.
Note: If you are interested in taking part in the next seminar, send an expression of interest with a short curriculum vitae to volker.haag@thuenen.de. At the time of current planning, the seminar will be held every 2-3 years.