The US Forest Service Wood Identification & Screening Center (WISC) at Oregon State University invites applications for postdoctoral fellowships in stable isotope and botanical provenacing for a two-year, fully funded, position in Corvallis, OR. The main goal of WISC is to support enforcement of the U.S. Lacey Act and Endangered Species Act with respect to the timber trade. Apply for this position by sending all application materials to Kristen Finch ( by April 1, 2021. Interested applicants should submit: (a) a curriculum vita with a list of publications, (b) the names of at least three professional references, their e-mail addresses, and telephone contact numbers and (c) a cover letter or email describing their interests and experiences in the topic area, goals, and how they meet the required position qualifications outlined below. Please see full posting at:

Cady Lancaster, USA