The election of IAWA Council members (2021-2023) was completed by the IAWA Executive Secretary office in accordance with the IAWA Constitution, and twelve IAWA Council members have been elected based on the votes. The new IAWA Council members (in alphabetical order) are Marco Carrer (Italy), Alan Crivellaro (UK), Ratih Damayanti (Indonesia), Geoffrey Daniel (Sweden), Veronica DeMicco (Italy), Emmanuel Ebanyenle (Ghana), Immo Heinz (Germany), Eryuan Liang (China), Alexei Oskolski (South Africa), Frank Owens (USA), Nigel Warwick (Australia), Shengcheng Zhai (China). These Council members are from different continents (2 members from Africa, 1 member from Americas, 3 members from Asia, 5 members from Europe and 1 member from Oceania) and will work together to promote IAWA development.

IAWA Council members serve a three-year term, with the possibility to be re-elected to a second continuous term.