The special edition of IAWA Journal 2020: 41(4) on Wood Identification “Advancing Wood Identification - Anatomical and Molecular Techniques”, edited by Yafang Yin, Alex Wiedenhoeft and Lloyd Donaldson was publishedon November 12, 2020.

It contains 14 original papers and one review article emphasizing recent research development in wood identification. Further details will be available by visiting the IAWA Journal ( The hard copy of this special edition can be ordered from IAWA Leiden Office (

Table of Contents


Advancing Wood Identification – Anatomical and Molecular Techniques.By: Yafang YinAlex C. Wiedenhoeft and Lloyd Donaldson. IAWA J. 41(4): 391–392.
DOI: 10.1163/22941932-00002150

  1. Ruffinatto F, Castro G, Cremonini C, Crivellaro A, Zanuttini R. 2020. A new atlas and macroscopic wood identification software package for Italian timber species. IAWA Journal, 41(4): 393–411. DOI: 10.1163/22941932-00002102.
  2. Wheeler EA, Gasson PE, Baas P. 2020. Using the InsideWood web site: Potentials and pitfalls. IAWA Journal,41(4): 412–462. DOI: 10.1163/22941932-bja10032.
  3. Haag V, Zemke VT, Lewandrowski T, Zahnen J, Hirschberger P, Bick U, Koch G. 2020. The European charcoal trade. IAWA Journal,41(4): 463–477. DOI: 10.1163/22941932-bja10017.
  4. Zemke V, Haag V, Koch G. 2020. Wood identification of charcoal with 3D-reflected light microscopy. IAWA Journal, 41(4): 478–489. DOI: 10.1163/22941932-bja10033.
  5. Perdigão CRV, Júnior MMB, Gonçalves TAP, Araujo CS, Mori FA, Barbosa ACMC, Souza FIB, Motta JP, Melo LEM. Forestry control in the Brazilian Amazon I: Wood and charcoal anatomy. IAWA Journal, 41(4): 490–509. DOI: 10.1163/22941932-bja10016.
  6. Brandes AFDN, Novello BQ, Lemos DN, Nascimento LB, Albuquerque RP, Tamaio N, Barros CF. 2020. Wood anatomy of endangered Brazilian tree species. IAWA Journal, 41(4): 510–576. DOI: 10.1163/22941932-bja10037.
  7. Jahanbanifard M, Beckers V, Koch G, Beeckman H, Gravendeel B, Verbeek F, Baas P, Priester C, Lens F. 2020. Description and evolution of wood anatomical characters in the ebony wood genus Diospyros and its close relatives (Ebenaceae): A first step towards combatting illegal logging. IAWA Journal, 41(4): 577–619. DOI: 10.1163/22941932-bja10040.
  8. Jiao L, Lu Y, He T, Guo J, Yin Y. 2020. DNA Barcoding for wood identification: Global review of the last decade and future perspective. IAWA Journal, 41(4): 620–643. DOI: 10.1163/22941932-bja10041.
  9. Lu Y, Jiao L, He T, Zhang Y, Jiang X, Yin Y. 2020. An optimized DNA extraction protocol for wood DNA barcoding of Pterocarpus erinaceusIAWA Journal, 41(4): 644–659. DOI: 10.1163/22941932-bja10006.
  10. Lens F, Liang C, Guo Y, Tang X, Jahanbanifard M, daSilva FSC, Ceccantini G, Verbeek FJ. 2020. Computer-assisted timber identification based on features extracted from microscopic wood sections. IAWA Journal, 41(4): 660–680. DOI: 10.1163/22941932-bja10029.
  11. Andrade BG, Basso VM, Latorraca JVF. 2020. Machine vision for field-level wood identification. IAWA Journal, 41(4): 681–698. DOI: 10.1163/22941932-bja10001.
  12. Wiedenhoeft A. 2020. XyloPhone: democratizing access to high-quality macroscopic imaging for wood and other substrates. IAWA Journal, 41(4): 699–719. DOI: 10.1163/22941932-bja10043.
  13. Carmona RJ, Wiemann MC, Baas P, Barros C, Chavarria GD, McClure PJ, Espinoza EO. 2020. Forensic identification of CITES Appendix I Cupressaceae using anatomy and mass spectrometry. IAWA Journal, 41(4): 720–739.DOI: 10.1163/22941932-bja10002.
  14. Abe H, Kurata Y, Watanabe K, Ishikawa A, Noshiro S, Fujii T, Iwasa M, Kaneko H, Wada H. 2020. The separation of softwood and hardwood in historical wooden statues of the Nazenji-temple in Japan using NIR spectroscopy. IAWA Journal, 41(4): 740–750. DOI: 10.1163/22941932-bja10038.
  15. Sieburg-Rockel J, Koch G. 2020. Identification of wood species used in particleboard production. IAWA Journal, 41(4): 751–760. DOI: 10.1163/22941932-bja10018.