App CITESwoodID, as a useful tool of computer-aided identification and description of CITES-protected timbers, was published on October 24, 2020.


The ability to identify CITES-protected wood species is of prime importance in the implementation and enforcement of the CITES controls. A valuable new support for computer-aided wood identification based on macroscopic features is provided by the development of App versions of the database CITESwoodID. The database and application software for mobile systems contain descriptions and an interactive identification system for 46 trade relevant CITES-listed timbers (e.g., ebony, mahogany, rosewood) known for their use as lumber and downstream processing into products. In addition, the database covers 34 traded timbers which can be mistaken for CITES taxa due to a very similar appearance and/or structural pattern. The database and App are designed primarily for all institutions and individuals involved in controlling the import and export of wood and wood products which are regulated by CITES. It is also of use to educational facilities active in teaching wood anatomy and wood identification.

What has CITESwoodID to offer?
  • interactive identification of the most important CITES-protected timbers (hardwoods and softwoods) based on macroscopic features to be observed with the unaided eye or with a hand lens
  • high quality colour illustrations of wood characters and timbers featuring transverse (10x) and longitudinal planes (natural size)
  • complete timber descriptions accompanied by high quality colour illustrations depicting characteristic wood features
  • a textbook with definitions, explanations, procedures, etc. for most features used in the description of the timbers in terms of wood structure
  • innovative tool for teaching at higher educational facilities with a wood science related curriculum (also suitable for Do-It-Yourself education)

The app has been programmed for Android®, iOS® operating systems and is available for free download in German, English, French and Spanish in the respective app stores.


Google Play:

or using the search term: citeswoodid
Gerald Koch, Germany