Dear colleagues,

We are very pleased to announce Q-NET, a new community-based network on quantitative wood anatomy, and the first virtual Q-NET workshop on November 30th, 2:00-5:30 pm CET (GMT+1).

Quantitative Wood Anatomy (QWA) is gaining increasing interest from diverse research areas including dendrosciences, ecophysiology, plant biology, wood quality and forest ecology to address scientific questions related to ecological, functional and material properties of stems, roots and leaves. With this initiative, we want to provide an open interdisciplinary platform centered around QWA for know-how exchange, promote research ideas and initiatives and create synergies that advance QWA and lead to breakthroughs in wood science. For further information on this initiative and how to sign up, please visit

A key activity of Q-NET are virtual workshops. Q-NET workshops are ‘idea markets’ profiting from an interdisciplinary network for developing and elaborating new collaborative ideas, defining standards, advancing methodology, creating synergies from a larger and more diverse network, developing proposals and publications, etc. Participation is reserved to Q-NET members and is free of charge.

The topics of the 1st Q-NET workshop on Nov 30th can be found at Deadline for registration is Nov 9th.

The Q-NET Coordination Group